Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Yesterday I went with six friends to the cinema to watch the „Grand Finale” of the Harry Potter movie. I read all the books and the movie was really great, as the rest. I expected me to cry a lot, but it didn’t happen at all. I loved it when Ron and Hermione kissed and that part when Harry finds out the truth about Snape’s feelings for Lily (also my favorite part of the book). So so sweet!

Storyline via imdb (as usual): The final chapter begins as Harry, Ron and Hermione continue their quest of finding and destroying the Dark Lord’s three remaining Horcruxes, the magical items responsible for his immortality. But as the mystical Deathly Hallows are uncovered and Voldemort finds out about their mission, the biggest battle begins and life as they know it will never be the same again.

The cast is really wonderful: beside Daniel RadcliffeRupert Grint (love him!) and Emma Watson, there are Ralph Fiennes (one of mum’s favorite actors) as Voldemort, Michael Gambon as Dumbledore, Alan Rickman as Snape (I love the actor and also the character :D), Helena Bonham Carter (she acts great!) as Bellatrix Lestrange, Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy (he’s so hot!), Maggie Smith as Minerva McGonagall, Emma Thompson as Sybil Trelawney and Gary Oldman as Sirius Black.

Translation: Ieri am fost cu sase prieteni la cinema sa vedem ,,marele final” al filmului Harry Potter. Am citit toate cartile si filmul a fost chiar grozav, ca si restul. M-am asteptat sa plang mult, dar nu s-a intamplat deloc. Mi-a placut la nebunie cand Ron si Hermione se saruta si partea in care Harry afla adevarul despre sentimentele lui Plesneala pentru Lily (e si partea mea preferata din carte). Atat de dulce! Povestea de pe imdb (ca de obicei): Ultimul capitol incepe cu Harry, Ron si Hermione continuand cautarea si distrugerea celor trei Horcruxuri ale Lordului Intunecat ramase, obiecte magice responsabile pentru nemurirea lui. Dar in timp ce misticele Talismane ale Morţii sunt descoperite şi Voldemort afla despre misiunea celor trei, cea mai mare bătălie începe şi viaţa aşa cum o ştiu ei nu va mai fi niciodată la fel. Distributia e chiar minunata: alaturi de Daniel RadcliffeRupert Grint (il iubesc!) si Emma Watson, sunt Ralph Fiennes (unul dintre actorii preferati ai mamei) ca Voldemort, Michael Gambon ca Dumbledore, Alan Rickman ca Plesneala (iubesc si actorul si personajul!), Helena Bonham Carter (joaca grozav!) ca Bellatrix Lestrange, Tom Felton ca Draco Reacredinta (e atat de sexy!), Maggie Smith ca Minerva McGonagall, Emma Thompson ca Sybil Trelawney si Gary Oldman ca Sirius Black.